Learn and practice Aptitude questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive exam (Pariksha Corner )

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Mr.X a businessman had the income in the year 1995, such that he can-led a profit of 20% on his investment in the business. In the year 1996 his investment was less by Rs.5,000 but still had the same income (Income = Investment + Profit) as that in 1995. Thus the per cent profit earned in 1996 increased by 6%. What was his investment in 1995?

Mr.X a businessman had the income in the year 1995, such that he can-led a profit of 20% on his investment in the business. In the year 1996 his investment was less by Rs.5,000 but still had the same income (Income = Investment + Profit) as that in 1995. Thus the per cent profit earned in 1996 increased by 6%. What was his investment in 1995?
D Data inadequate

Correct answer is: Rs.1,05,000


Let the investment in 1995 be Rs.x

Income in 1995 with 20% profit = 1.20x

Also the income in 1996 = 1.20x

Investment in 1996

= Rs.(x - 5000)

Profit in 1996 = (20 + 6)% = 26%

Income in 1996 with 26% profit

= 1.26 (x - 5000)

Therefore, 1.26 (x 5000) = 1.20x

0.06 x = 1.26 x 5000

\(x = \Large \frac{6300}{0.06}\)

x = Rs.105000

answered Aug 2 '2022 at 21:45

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